Program transfer guides
Transfer your credits
We’ll help you apply your past to help you build a better future
If you’ve already earned college credits, you may be able to transfer your eligible credits toward a bachelor’s degree program with University of Phoenix. Show us what you’ve completed, and we’ll evaluate to determine which credits may transfer for potential credit so you can finish what you’ve started.
Plus, our prior learning assessment will help you discover if your workplace knowledge will transfer into college credit.
Find out which course credits you can transfer
Use the transfer guides below to find out how a specific program from one of our college articulation agreement partners will transfer into a specific University of Phoenix degree program.
If you don’t see your community college listed, please call (844) 937-8679 to speak with an enrollment representative who can help you determine how you may transfer your credits.
- Choose your state:
- Arizona
- California
- Colorado
- Florida
- Indiana
- Iowa
- Michigan
- Nevada
- New Jersey
- North Carolina
- Ohio
- Pennsylvania
- South Carolina
- Texas
- West Virginia
- Wisconsin
How to download your transfer guide(s)
1) Choose your state
2) Select the college you're transferring from
3) Click the program(s) that interest you to download the transfer guide
Which college are you transferring from?
3+1 Pathway- AAS Management to BSM v5 (2024-2025) (PDF)
3+1 Pathway- AAS General Business to BSM v5 (2024-2025) (PDF)
3+1 Pathway- AAS Health Services Management to BSHM v1 (2024-2025) (PDF)
3+1 Pathway- AAS Information Technology - Cybersecurity Fundamentals to BSIT v10 (2024-2025) (PDF)
General BSIT v10 3+1 Pathway (2024-2025) (PDF)
Which college are you transferring from?
AST Psychology to BSAP/MT- AA Block Transfer Pathway (2023-2024) (PDF)
AS Computer Science- Cybersecurity- Secure Software Development to BSIT v10- CEP (2023-2024) (PDF)
AST Nutrition and Diet to BSHM v1A- CEP (2023-2024) (PDF)
AS Radio Science to BSHM v1CEP (2023-2024) (PDF)
AS Nursing to BSN v16 Block Transfer- CEP (2023-2024) (PDF)
AST Administration of Justice to BSCJA v6A (2023-2024) (PDF)
Which college are you transferring from?
3+1 AA Degree in Economics Designation to BS in Management v005A 2023-2024 (PDF)
3+1 AA Degree in Public Health to BS in Health Management v001A 2023-2024 (PDF)
3+1 AAS in Emergency Medical Services to BS in Health Management v001A 2023-2024 (PDF)
3+1 Pathway- AA Business Management Emphasis to BSM v005A (2023-2024) (PDF)
3+1 AS in Agriculture Business to BS in Management v005A 2023-2024 (PDF)
3+1 AS Degree in Medical Technicial to Bachelor of Science in Health Management v001A 2023-2024 (PDF)
General BSHM v001A 3+1 pathway (2023-2024) (PDF)
General BSM v005A 3+1 pathway (2023-2024) (PDF)
AAS Nursing to BSN v016- Block Transfer Pathway (2023-2024) (PDF)
AAS Degree in Nursing Degree to BS in Nursing V16 CEP 2023-2024 (PDF)
AS Degree in Agriculture Business to BS in Management v005A CEP 2023-2024 (PDF)
AS Degree in Medican Technician to BS in Health management v001A CEP 2023-2024 (PDF)
Which college are you transferring from?
Which college are you transferring from?
Which college are you transferring from?
AAS Business Administration, Entrepreneurship to BSM v5 (2023-2024) (PDF)
AAS Management to BSM v5 (2023-2024) (PDF)
AAS Marketing to BSM v5 (2023-2024) (PDF)
AAS Information Technology/Network Administration to BSIT v10 (2023-2024) (PDF)
AAS Network Technology - Telecommunications/Data Communications to BSIT v10 (2023-2024) (PDF)
AAS Human Resource Management to BSM v5 (2023-2024) (PDF)
AAS Accounting to BS/ACC v4 (2023-2024) (PDF)
AAS Information Systems Management to BSIT v10 (2023-2024) (PDF)
AAS Network Administration and Engineering to BSIT v10 (2023-2024) (PDF)
AAS Cybersecurity to BSIT v10 (2023-2024) (PDF)
AA Liberal Arts (Business Transfer Major) to BSM v5- AA Block Transfer Pathway (2023-2024) (PDF)
Which college are you transferring from?
Which college are you transferring from?
AAS Business Administration to BSM v005A (2023) (PDF)
AAS Criminal Justice to BSCJA v006A (2023) (PDF)
AAS Healthcare Administration - Dental Pathway to BSHM v001A (2023) (PDF)
AAS Healthcare Administration - Medical Pathway to BSHM v001A (2023) (PDF)
AAS Paralegal Studies to BSCJA v006A (2023) (PDF)
Which college are you transferring from?
AAS Computer Systems Support to BSIT v10A (2023-2024) (PDF)
3+1- AAS Child Development and Child Care to BSM v5A (2023-2024) (PDF)
AAS Child Development and Child Care to BSEd/ECH v1AZA (2023-2024) (PDF)
AAS Computer Programming – Computer Programming Concentration to BSIT v10A (2023-2024) (PDF)
AS Computer Information System to BSIT v10A (2023-2024) (PDF)
Which college are you transferring from?
AA Communication Transfer Pathway to BSCOM v5 Block Transfer Pathway (2024-2025) (PDF)
AAS Accounting and Finance to BS/ACC v4 (2024-2025) (PDF)
AAS Early Childhood - Transfer Teacher Licensure Track to BSEd/ECH v1AZA (2024-2025) (PDF)
AAS Human Services Technology Social Services Concentration to BSSW v2 (2024-2025) (PDF)
AAS Nursing to BSN v16 Block Transfer Pathway (2023-2024) (PDF)
AAS Accounting and Finance to BS/ACC v4 (2023-2024) (PDF)
AAS Early Childhood Education to BSED-ECH v1AZA (2023-2024) (PDF)
AAS Medical Office Administration - Patient Services Representative to BSHM v1 (2023-2024) (PDF)
AAS Business Administration - Business track to BSB v27 (2023-2024) (PDF)
Which college are you transferring from?
AAS in Nursing to BSN v16 Block Transfer (2023-2024) (PDF)
General BSHM v1A 3+1 Pathway (2023-2024) (PDF)
ATS Medical Assisting to BSHM v1A (2023-2024) (PDF)
General BSIT v10A 3+1 Pathway (2023-2024) (PDF)
General BSM v5A 3+1 Pathway (2023-2024) (PDF)
AAS Computer Science- Information Technology Support Technician to BSIT v10A (2023-2024) (PDF)
Which college are you transferring from?
Which college are you transferring from?
AAS in Computer Technology Applications Developer to BSIT v010A (2022- 2023) (PDF)
AAS in Computer Technology Web Developer to BSIT v010A (2022- 2023) (PDF)
AAS Medical Laboratory Technology to BSHM v1 (2022-2024) (PDF)
AAS in Network Systems Management to BSIT v010A (2022-2023) (PDF)
AAS Physical Therapist Assistant to BSHM v1 (2022-2024) (PDF)
Which college are you transferring from?
Which college are you transferring from?
Which college are you transferring from?
AAS Nursing to BSN v16A Block Transfer Pathway (2023-2024) (PDF)
AAS Information Technology - Cybersecurity Specialist to BSIT v10A (2023-2024) (PDF)
AAS Information Technology - Network Specialist to BSIT v10A (2023-2024) (PDF)
AAS Marketing and Social Media Management to BSM v5A (2023-2024) (PDF)
AAS Leadership and Organizational Development to BSM v5A (2023-2024) (PDF)
AAS Business Management to BSM v5A (2023-2024) (PDF)
AAS Surgical Technology to BSHM v1A (2023-2024) (PDF)
AAS Medical Laboratory Technician to BSHM v1A (2023-2024) (PDF)
AAS Health Information Technology to BSHM v1A (2023-2024) (PDF)
AAS Information Technology - Technical Support Specialist to BSIT v10A (2023-2024) (PDF)
Articulation agreements
Many students entering University of Phoenix have prior college credit. We understand you want to transfer your credits. That’s why we’ve worked hard to establish hundreds of articulation agreements to make the transition a little easier.
Frequently asked questions
It is recommended to have all transcripts reviewed prior to starting your program to see what credits may be applied for potential credit to your program. College credits never expire, however completed credits may not always apply to specific courses needed for a particular program or institutional policy limitations may limit the number of credits that can be applied.
The ability to transfer your credits is at the discretion of the receiving institution. It is the student’s responsibility to confirm whether credits earned at University of Phoenix will be accepted by another institution of the student’s choice.